Mission Statement

From our Bylaws:

2.1 The Santa Barbara Mountain Bike Trail Volunteers is a non-profit organization dedicated to promoting sustainable trail access for all users with a focus on mountain bicyclists, and to maintaining the trails on which mountain bikers ride. SBMTV supports the conservation of open spaces and is committed to educating mountain bicyclists to ride sensitively and responsibly in order to protect the natural environment and the experience of other trail users. Toward these ends, SBMTV has the following goals:

2.2 Activities and Programs. To provide its members and the general public with opportunities to steward, care for, and recreate on Santa Barbara County’s open spaces. We offer trail maintenance work days, bicycle patrols, educational programs and family activities designed to promote the responsible use of multi-use public trails.

2.3 Environmental Protection. To provide leadership in the protection and preservation of the environment by advocating the development of informed public policy and by encouraging the establishment and management of protected land and water areas within SBMTV’s geographical area.

2.4 Organization. To provide an organization of volunteers who will manage SBMTV’s facilities and programs, encourage public respect for the environment and mountain biking, offer SBMTV’s expertise to others, and support individual contributions in realizing SBMTV’s goals.