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Here are some notes/questions related to using the Semantic MediaWiki stuff that Damon has built our trails site on:


  • Major
    • Newly added trails aren't showing up on the map on the main page. They do show up on the "list all trails" page, however.
      [DFE]-- I believe this might be a caching issue. I was seeing this also and it was frustrating me. There is a refresh button at the top of wiki pages for administrators. Since our wiki is pretty small we could probably turn caching off (Caching Issues).
      [JG]-- I believe it is a caching issue too, eventually they show up.
    • On Trail:Tunnel in the overview, there is extra text [[Overview::. All the other pages have various problems with the overview rendering with markup visible. It seems that when the content in any of these SemanticWiki fields has Wiki markup links then there are rendering problems.
      [DFE] -- I didn't see the [[Overview:: that you were seeing. I did see the extra [[ though. Not sure what caused that. Will look into that. Some of what you are seeing could also be cached related.
      [JG] -- I'm not seeing it now either, so yes probably caching.
  • Important
    • On Trail:Jesusita and other newly added trails the "edit with form page" has a small text field for the overview instead of a larger one used by the other fields.
    • It would be nice to have an elevation field in the trail description and form.
    • [JG]: The elevation field is there in the display template now, but needs to be added to the form.
  • Minor
    • ( Trail:Elings doesn't have an "edit with form tag". I wonder why.
      [DFE] -- I think this has to do with in the early days when I was setting things up. Somehow I think I created Elings before the semantic would search the Trails namespace. So there are some weird "gotchas" in Elings. The solution might be to Delete the page and recreate it. Some weird database thing is probably occurring.
      [JG] -- The fix was that none of the categories on that page had the "has default form" magic.


  • How do I add a new trail Category? When I find the answer I should fill out the Categories help page.
    [DFE] -- To create a new semantic category you can go to the special page: Semantic Category. I was also in the process of putting together a FAQS page modeled after Mediawiki's page, but I haven't finished it yet.
  • I tried to create a link in the Category:Coastal page to Category:Beginner_Friendly, but I can't get it to show up. Why? [[Category:whatever]] renders to nothing.
    [DFE] -- I believe this is a limitation of Mediawiki. By adding a Category reference to a Category page Mediawiki thinks it is a subcategory. We could make Coastal a subcategory of Beginner Friendly? SubCategories
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